Customer Support:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (614) 626-4888
US Toll Free: (888) 765-9735
Fax: (614) 626-4915
MindWare Technologies LTD.
1020F Taylor Station Rd.
Gahanna, OH 43230
EKG, EMG, and EOG are measured directly using electrodes in various configurations
while respiration is measured with a sensor such as a piezoelectric respiration belt.
Various other sensors and devices with voltage outputs can be interfaced to these
channels as long as they are independently powered or produce their own voltage,
such as piezoelectric sensors.
Using the previous table, choose a gain with one range larger than the
expected limits of the signal being recorded to accommodate any variation
in the signal. When in doubt, run various test subjects at the highest range
(lowest gain) and adjust based on the range of data observed.
Individual channel ranges will vary slightly from unit-to-unit but the
calibration of each unit will correct for this variation to record accurate data.
Never connect other equipment to any of the Mobile inputs unless the output
of the equipment is also isolated for the safety of the subject. Safety isolated
inputs on other equipment does not guarantee that the outputs are also
Cardiac Impedance
The Constant Current Source (CCS) and Sense (SNS) signals make up the cardiac
impedance measurement. The CCS lines are a constant current source at 500uA,
100kHz and the SNS lines measure the magnitude of the resulting 100kHz signal
received, which is recorded as the Z
channel. A derivative of this signal is performed
in hardware and recorded in the dZ/dt channel.
The dZ/dt channel is recorded as an inverted derivative to match the
convential representation of the signal.