As a feature of NXTCam-v4, the firmware is designed to be re-writable, but
sometimes due to unknown reason it writes itself and corrupts.
In this case, the firmware needs be re-written by following procedure in section
'How to change Firmware of AVR Mega 8 processor' of 'Advanced Programming
Troubleshooting NXTCam communication with your NXT
Ensure to install NXT-G blocks for NXTCam as mentioned above in the document.
1. Connect your NXT to your PC using it’s standard USB cable.
2. Connect your NXTCam to NXT Port 1 using standard NXT sensor cable.
3. Run NXT-G software on your computer.
4. Power on the NXT.
5. Start a New Program (say Untitled-1), and from Advanced Block Palette,
drag and drop the NXTCam block in it.
6. Click on the block, and examine the bottom left corner of NXT-G window
(where block control
panel is located).
7. You should see
NXTCam version
number shown in the
bottom left corner,
as shown in the
adjacent picture.
8. If the NXTCam is not connected correctly to your NXT, this status will
indicate ‘No Device’. If that happens, ensure the port and Address in your
program match to what’s on NXTCam.
Reference Information
Open Source Software and Hardware
NXTCam is based on
, and is Open Source using GNU license. We encourage
you to improve the source code and features and inform us the changes for inclusion
in future releases. Visit following URL for Advanced Programming Resources and
related docs.
I2C Operations
Pins used:
SDA(1), GND(2), SCL(3), +5V(4)
Following table lists the register definitions and setup commands: