a. Impact Tests - The equipment shall be held firmly against a rigid support and shall be
subjected to sets of three blows from a spring-operated impact hammer. The hammer
shall be applied to any external part that when broken is likely to expose live parts. A
window of an indicating device shall withstand an impact of 0.085 Newton-meter (0.753
pound force-inch) from a hollow steel impact sphere 50.8 mm (2 inches) in diameter and
an approximate mass of 113.4 grams (4 ounces).
b. Pressure Tests - A force of 90 Newtons (20 pounds) shall be applied from a metal rod
12.7 mm (.50 inch) in diameter, the end of which is rounded. The force shall be applied
for one minute to any point on the overall enclosure except the bottom. The bottom shall
sustain a force of 65 Newtons (15 pounds).
c. Tip Stability Test - Equipment having a weight of 11 kilograms (24 pounds) or more shall
not tip over when placed at the center of an inclined plane that makes an angle of 10
degrees with the horizontal and then turned to the position (with all doors, drawers and
other openable and sliding parts in the least stable position) most likely to cause tip-over.
d. Sharp Edges - An accessible edge, projection, or corner of an enclosure, opening, frame,
guard, handle, or the like shall be smooth and well rounded, and shall not cause a cut-
type injury during normal use of the equipment.