Models TT190 and TT230 are 2-wire temperature transmitters for T/C (thermocouple thermometers).
These transmitters are FM-approved for use in Class I, Divisions 1 or 2, Groups A, B, C, and D
hazardous locations and appear in the approval guide as IS/I/1/ABCD and NI/I/2/ABCD. The
converts the T/C's signal into a 4 to 20 mA current. The current changes according to
the range marked on the Temptran: 4 mA at the lowest temperature of the range, rising to 20 mA at
the top of the range. The leads that supply power also carry the current signal.
If installing the Temptran in a hazardous location, the installer must adhere to installation
requirements as set forth by the National Electrical Code (NEC) and any other applicable codes and
standards. See pages 3-7 for further information on installing these transmitters in a hazardous
Locate the Temptran near the T/C, in an area where the ambient temperature stays between -40 and
85 C (-40 and 185 F). Mount with #8 machine screws using the two mounting holes provided in
the transmitter case.
Connect the Temptran as shown below, observing the +/- polarity of the current loop and T/C
connections. Maximum DC supply voltage = 35 VDC. The T/C connections for the Temptran in the
wiring diagram below must be connected as shown or the transmitter will not function properly.
For model TT190, the Temptran has been factory-calibrated for its marked temperature range. Do
not change its zero and span adjustments.
Wiring Diagram