The 47 mm Pressure Filter Holder is used to clarify or sterilize small batch volumes
of liquid. The cylindrical barrel holds 100 or 340 mL of liquid, depending on the
model. The liquid is filtered through a 47 mm disc filter of appropriate pore size
by applying external gas pressure via a standard gas cylinder or oil-free vacuum/
pressure pump (see Product Ordering Information section for available pumps). An
optional depth-type prefilter placed upstream of the membrane filter will prevent
premature clogging when processing viscous or particulate-laden liquids. The filter
holder can be autoclaved with the filter installed.
Filter Holder Components
Top cap with hose adapter
Top cap O-ring
Barrel (100 or 340 mL capacity)
Locking ring
Locking ring gasket
Depth prefilter (optional)
Filter sealing 0-ring
Filter support screen
Wrenches for tightening
locking ring not shown
Disassembly and Cleaning
Clean the filter holder before using for the first time and after every use.
1. Use the two wrenches supplied if necessary to unscrew the locking ring and
release the base. Unscrew the top cap from the upper end of the barrel and slide
the locking ring and locking ring gasket off the barrel. Use smooth-tip forceps
to remove the top cap O-ring and filter sealing O-ring. To remove the filter
sealing O-ring, gently pry it out of the base by inserting the forceps into the
small rounded “O-ring pick-out” recess. Tip the filter support screen out of the
base onto a clean surface.
If the filter support screen does not readily drop out of its recess, screw
the locking ring part way onto the base, then invert the assembly and
tap it against the bench top to dislodge the screen.
2. Clean all components thoroughly with a sponge, hot water, and a nonabrasive
cleanser. Clean threaded parts, recesses, and orifices with a stiff bristle brush
and use a pipe cleaner to remove contaminants from inlet and outlet orifices.
Never use steel wool or abrasive materials on any part of the filter
holder. Take particular care not to scratch the polytetrafluoro-
ethylene (PTFE) sealing surface.
3. Rinse all parts thoroughly with hot running water, then rinse several times with
cold laboratory-grade water. Rinse new pressure tubing with hot tap water prior
to initial use.
4. Allow the components to air dry while disassembled.
Do not wipe dry with paper or cloth, as this leaves fibers and lint on
the surfaces and also generates electrostatic forces that can attract
more dirt. Filtered compressed air can be used to facilitate drying.
1. Seat the top cap O-ring in the recess in the cap and the filter O-ring in the
O-ring groove in the barrel.
2. Slip the locking ring gasket over the threaded end of the barrel, followed by the
locking ring. Support the barrel vertically in a ring stand clamp. Position the
clamp high enough to place a filtering flask or beaker under the outlet tube, and
tighten the clamp enough to prevent the barrel from turning.
3. Seat the filter support screen evenly in the holder base, screen-side up. Holding
the base upright, remove a 47 mm
diameter filter from its package
with smooth-tip forceps, and center
the filter evenly on the holder base.
If using a depth-type prefilter disc
(42 mm diameter), center it exactly
on top of the membrane filter. It
must be positioned to lie within the
sealing O-ring at the bottom of the
barrel once the base is secured to
the barrel.
4. Lift the locking ring to expose the sealing O-ring in the end of the barrel. Raise
the base and filter until it
makes contact with the
O-ring around the perimeter
of the barrel. Then lower the
locking ring so that it
contacts the base. Hold the
base steady and turn the
locking ring clockwise until
you feel resistance.
5. Grasp the base with the small
wrench (it fits into the slots
on the base) and tighten the locking ring with the
larger wrench. Apply enough force to seal the filter effectively.
Avoid moving the base, as this may damage the membrane.
When autoclaving with the filter in place, it is important that the steam be able
to access both sides of the filter at the same time, so that there is no differential
pressure across the filter, especially while it is hot. To ensure that there are no flow
restrictions on the filter holder inlet and outlet, make sure that tubing (if attached)
is not kinked. If tubing ends are wrapped, use wrapping material that breathes freely.
User Guide
Stainless Steel 47 mm Pressure Filter Holder
Cat. Nos. XX4004700 (100 mL) and XX4004740 (340 mL)
Disassembly and Cleaning, continued
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