© Miller Diving All Rights Reserved Document # 030715001
WARNING: This helmet was completely checked and should be ready to dive as it was
shipped from the factory. However, it is always the diver's responsibility to check all the
components of the helmet prior to diving.
DANGER: Diving is a life threatening occupation. Even if you do everything right there
is still the potential for serious injury or death. Diving a Miller Diving Helmet cannot prevent
accidents, injuries, or death.
This Miller 400 diving helmet is only intended for use by trained divers who have successfully completed a
recognized training course in surface supplied diving.
WARNING: Follow all the instructions in this manual carefully and heed all safety
precautions. Improper use of this diving helmet could result in serious injury or death.
DANGER: Miller Diving warns all divers who use Miller helmets to be sure to use only
Miller Diving original spare parts from a Miller Diving authorized dealer. Although other parts,
O-rings and fittings may appear to fit, they may not be manufactured to the same standards
maintained by Miller Diving. The use of any parts other than Miller Diving original parts may lead
to equipment failure and accidents.
DANGER: Diving in an environment that is chemically, biologically, or radiologically
contaminated is extremely hazardous. Although Miller helmets may be adapted for use in some
contaminated environments, special training, equipment, and procedures are necessary. Do not
dive in a contaminated environment unless you have been thoroughly trained and equipped for
this type of diving.
Read this manual before using or maintaining this equipment, even if you have experience with other
similar demand mode masks or helmets. If you have purchased this helmet new from a dealer, be sure to
send in the warranty registration card so we may keep you informed regarding any safety notices that affect
this product. If you resell or loan this helmet to another diver, be sure this manual accompanies the helmet
and that the person reads and understands the manual.
WARNING: This manual is our effort to explain the operation, maintenance and use of the
Miller 400. We do not herein make any effort to teach the principles of diving. It is our assumption
the reader is a qualified diver. We highly recommend that all divers should train in the use of any
model of commercial diving helmet, under controlled conditions, that they have not previously
used or trained in prior to use on the job.