Appliance Preparation
Top Heat Shield & Stand-offs Fitting
See figures 15 & 16.
1. Remove the screws at the top rear corner of the case
2. Locate the heat shield over the vent pipe adapter.
3. Support the front of the shield on the two angle supports.
4. Secure the shield to the case sides by refitting the two
screws at the top rear corners and by two screws from
the pack fitted near the front.
5. Bend the two top rear stand-offs and fit to the heat shield
with three screws each. See figure 16.
Zero clearance stand-offs and shield supplied with
the heater are
not required for the co-linear application
Support Angles Fitting
See figure 17.
The distance from the wall angles to the front face of the
heater case is adjustable between 3/8” (10 mm) and 1-3/16”
(30 mm) to allow for a range of wall finish material thickness
(e.g. tile, etc.).
1. Fit the top angle support to the case top with three
2. Fit the two side angle supports with two screws each. Fit
the screws from inside the heater case.
Wall finish material
thickness (tile, etc.)
3/8” - 1-3/16”
(10-30 mm)
Fit screws
from inside
Figure 17 Support angles
Shield to rest
on 2 supports
Push shield
Figure 15 Heat shield
(shown for top vent outlet)
Figure 16 Top & rear stand-offs