Cleaning and care
Fluff filters
This tumble dryer has 2 fluff filters in
the door opening: the upper and lower
fluff filters trap fluff produced during
the drying process.
Removing visible fluff
Remove any fluff after every drying
You can also use a vacuum cleaner
so that you can remove the fluff without
touching it.
Open the door.
You must remove the fragrance
flacon (if present) beforehand. See
"Fragrance flacon".
Pull the upper fluff filter forwards to
remove it.
Remove the fluff (see arrows) . . .
. . . from the surfaces of all the fluff
. . . from the perforated laundry
Push the upper fluff filter back into
position until it clicks.
Close the door.
If there is a great deal of compacted
fluff carry out the following