en - T1 and W1 with 1 line display
When the WiFi module is fitted the Set-
tings menu in your washing machine or
tumble dryer will also offer the following
additional features.
setting is only visible
when the WiFi module is fitted.
WPS pushbutton
This is used to sign your washing ma-
chine or tumble dryer on to your net-
work via WPS (Wireless Protected
Setup). You can activate the WPS signal
using these settings or with the WPS
Push Button on your WiFi module.
Module settings
We recommend connecting the wash-
ing machine or tumble dryer to your
WiFi network via the Miele@mobile App
or WPS. If you would rather set up the
connection to your router yourself, or
you have a special network configura-
tion, you can enter the relevant settings
yourself as long as you have the neces-
sary technical knowledge.
Displays information via the WiFi mod-
Start module activity
If you wish to reset all entered settings
and values for Miele@home, you can re-
store the factory default settings on
your WiFi module. Any settings, which
do not affect Miele@home will remain
Restart with default
and confirm
System settings
You can sign the washing machine or
tumble into an existing Miele@home
network and sign it off under this op-
tion. Precise instructions for doing so
are given in the Miele@home instruction