remember who was the master, just take one unit of the group, consider it as a
Master and repeat the procedure.
1. Turn off all units of the group
2. On the “Master” unit, press and hold down the middle button about 7 sec.,
until the Red light is on permanently.
3. On the “Master” unit press for 6 seconds the “Middle” button, the GREEN
lights will flash SLOWLY
4. Now take all the other unit of the group, press and hold down the middle
button about 7 sec., until the Red light is on permanently
5. Press for 3 seconds the “Middle” button, the GREEN and BLU lights will
flash FAST
6. The Master unit and all other units in range (10m distance) will now exchan-
ge the “key” . When the procedure is finished, the user unit will exit the
pairing mode and go back to RED light. If you have no other pairing to do
(like phone or GPS) you can make a double click on the Middle button to
exit and go to working mode (blu LED flashing).
7. The master unit will keep flashing green, in case other units need to be pai-
8. If no more unit need the pairing, just make a double click on the Master unit
to exit the pairing procedure, the RED light will be on permanently. Make
a double click again on the Middle button to exit and go to working mode
(blue LED flashing).
When the pairing procedure is finished and the Private group is created, there
is no need of the “Master” unit anymore, so it can be part of the group or
missing (turned off) and the Private goup can still work.
All units in the “Private” group share the same “key” and they can talk to-
gether. Other units “out of the box” can NOT be part of this “Private” group
unless you pair that unit against a “Master” unit. For example if you have a
new unit that needs to be part of an existing “Private” group, just take one unit
from the Private group, consider it as a “Master” unit and perform the same
pairing procedure explained above only with the new unit. No need to make
the pairing procedure again with all units in the group.
When in Private group mode, you must still be sure that all the unit have diffe-
rent ID number. In addition you can always have as many “Guest” user as you
want also in Private group.
Toogle between “Public” group and “Private” group
Even if the unit has been part of a “Private” group, it is always possible to toggle
between “Private” and “Public” group modes.
Be sure you are in Mesh mode
Press FWD and MIDDLE buttons together
The voice will tell you “ Public group
Press again FWD and MIDDLE buttons together
The voice will tell you “ Private group”
When the unit is in “Public group”, the LED light flash BLUE and GREEN
When the unit is in “Private group”, the LED light flash RED and GREEN
If one unit is in Private group and the other is in Public group, they can
not talk together. Be sure that both of them are in “Public group” mode or both in
“Private group” mode (but from the same master pairing). If you are not sure if you
are in Private or Public group mode, just press together VOL+ and VOL- button,
first you will hear the ID number and after 5 sec. you will hear the voice “Private
group” in case the unit is in “private “ mode, or you will have no additional voice
announcement in case the unit is in “Public group” mode.
Reset the “Encryption” key
Normally there is no need to delete (reset) the encryption key because if you
don’t need the “Private group” anymore, just toggle to “Public” group mode as
explained above.
In the moment you start a new pairing for a Private group with a Master unit,
the old key will be used or in case you are using a new Master unit a new key
will be generated and replaced in all units.
Anyway if you want to delete the Encryption key, for example because you
have several units and you are not sure which “Encryption” key they have, you
must perform a reset and clean up the encryption key stored in the unit:
1. Turn off the unit
2. Press and hold down the middle button about 7 sec., until the Red light is
on permanently.
3. Now press the FWD and BWD buttons toogether for 3 seconds, the GRE-
EN lights will turn on steady and then go back to RED light.