Mid-Continent Instruments and Avionics, Wichita, KS
REV. B, October 31, 2012
Manual Number 9017782
The airspeed indicator portion of the display will always appear on the left side of the
right display when mounted horizontally and on the left side of the bottom display when
mounted vertically. An example of the airspeed display is shown in Figure 3.6.
The airspeed indicator display consists of three parts: the airspeed window, the airspeed
tape, and the airspeed limitations or range markings.
The airspeed window displays the current indicated airspeed (IAS). The digits of the
display are enlarged for visibility and increment by one (1) unit. The units will ‘roll’ or
scroll to assist in quick reference as to the increasing or decreasing nature of the
aircraft’s airspeed. The airspeed pointer (triangle) to the left of the window points to the
associated position on the airspeed tape of the current airspeed. Airspeed units appear
below the airspeed window and can be selected during installation in Configuration Mode
(see Section 4).
The airspeed tape is a vertical scale along the left margin of the display. The current
airspeed is always in the middle of the tape and indicated by the triangular pointer on
the left side of the airspeed window. The tape has numeric indications every ten (10) or
twenty (20) units depending on the unit type selected. Minor graduations appear every
five (5) or ten (10) units, respectively. In horizontal installations, the tape spans
approximately 50 or 100 units from top to bottom and in vertical installations; the tape
spans approximately 80 or 160 units from top to bottom depending on unit type. The
tape will ‘roll’ or scroll to assist in quick reference as to the increasing or decreasing
nature of the aircraft’s airspeed.
The airspeed limitations, also known as “V-speeds”, are indicated with colored range
marking bands placed vertically along the left margin next to the airspeed tape. The
colors and values of each bar can be set during installation in Configuration Mode (see
Section 4). Colors should be selected based on industry-defined colors and V-speed limits
as defined by the aircraft’s specific Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH). Range markings
can be represented by full-width bars, half-width bars and/or radial marks. A traditional
‘barber pole’ may also be displayed if the aircraft requires and provides, the appropriate
Vmo and/ or Mmo values.
The slip indicator portion of the display will always appear at the bottom of the attitude
display. An example of the slip indicator is shown in Figure 3.3.
The slip indicator is represented by a shaded translucent background with two white lines
around center and a yellow ball. The ends of the indicator represent ±7° of bank with no
centripetal acceleration. No further indication is provided for angles greater than 7°.
When the ball is maintained between the vertical lines during banking maneuvers, the
turn is considered “coordinated” without slip. Electronic damping of the ball movement is
provided to prevent overly sensitive response and comply with regulatory requirements.
The slip indicator background becomes semi-transparent if the roll scale or roll pointer
pass behind the indicator so that all elements are still visible.