The Vent Connector shall be installed so as to avoid turns or other construction features
which create excessive resistance to flow of vent gas. It shall be installed without any dips sags
and shall slope upward at least 1/4" per
A manually operated damper shall
be placed in the Vent Connector or
chimney of any gas utilization equipment.
The Vent Connector shall be firmly
attached to draft hood outlets and flue
collars. Joints between sections of con-
nector piping shall be fastened by sheet-
metal screws or other approved means.
The Vent Connector shall be supported
for the design and weight of the material
employed to maintain clearance and pre-
vent physical damage and separation of
Gas utilization equipment requiring
controlled draft may be equipped with a
listed double acting barometric draft reg-
if approved by local codes.
must be installed and adjusted in accor-
dance with the manufacturer's instruc-
A draft hood or a barometric draft
regulator shall be installed in the same
room or enclosure as the equipment in
such a manner as to prevent any differ-
ence in the pressure between the hood
or regulator and the combustion air sup-
ply. In no case shall the relief opening of
the draft hood or barometric draft regula-
tor be located at a point lower than the
top of the highest flue passage in the
A device which will automatically
shut off gas to the burner in the event of
sustained backdraft is recommended if
such backdraft might adversely affect
burner operation or if flue gas spillage
might introduce a hazard. If such a
device is used, it shall be of the listed
type and installed and adjusted by a qual-
ified service technician in accordance
with the manufacturer's instructions.
Installation wiring and grounding of the burner must conform to local codes, or in their absence
in the
United States to National Electric code, ANSI/NFPA No. 70-latest edition; in Canada,
to Canadian Electrical Code Part 1, CSA Standard C22.1.
Use copper wire not less than 14 gauge for line voltage wiring. Hook up to a dedicated line
with an on-off disconnect switch and a minimum 10 amp breaker.
The frame of the burner should be well grounded. Normally the piping and/or electric con-
duit will provide sufficient grounding. However, a terminal is provided on the terminal strip for
positive grounding where insulated pipe couplings are used or where any doubt exists regard-
ing grounding sufficiency.
Confirm that the polarity is correct—hot wire strip terminal
, neutral
— and that the neu-
tral line is not subject to induced low voltage (check
to earth ground) from other equipment.
Each installation must include suitable limit controls. Existing oil burner combination limit
and operating controls are normally
for gas burner use.
Set the thermostat heat anticipator for the total current draw handled by the thermostat.
The current draw of the ECONOMITE 24V operating circuit is 0.3 amps on 400B-02 (NATUR-
AL) and 0.7 amps on 400B-02P (PROPANE).
IV Vent Connector
V Electrical
Figure 3: Draft Hoods
Figure 4: Barometric Dampers
Figures 3 and 4: Copyright by the
American Gas Association. Used by
permission of the copyright holder.