USER’S MANUAL (Rev. 2.00)
14.2.1. Monitor Work RAM
The monitor uses the first 64K bytes area in the SRAM as work RAM. In other words, user programs
are not allowed to use logical addresses FE07-0000H to FE07-FFFFH.
14.2.2. Interrupt
When using an interrupt with a user program, see Chapter 12.
14.2.3. Interrupt for Forced Break
NMI or INTP03 can be selected as an interrupt to be used by the monitor for communications and a
forced break (the ESC button). INTP03 is to be selected when a program using the DMA is used (for
audio input/output, for example). In other cases, the use of NMI is recommended. The differences
between the two interrupts are listed below.
When NMI is used
A break can occur at any time during user program execution. If, however, a break occurs during
DMA operation, the DMA is also terminated. (The DMA does not restart even upon reexecution.)
When INTP03 is used
No break will occur if the user program uses an interrupt with a higher priority than INTP03, or if
interrupts are disabled. DMA operation is continued even during a break.
14.2.4. SP Setting
The stack pointer initial value is set to FE06-FFFCH (highest SRAM address) by the monitor.
14.2.5. Remote Connection
Either serial or ISA bus connection can be selected to connect the monitor with the PARTNER
debugger. Use RTSETUP.exe to make the necessary settings. For details, refer to the PARTNER
14.2.6. Monitor Execution Area
The 128K-byte ROM contains two codes; the lower 64K-byte area contains the code to be executed in
the cacheable area, while the higher 64K-byte area contains the code to be executed in the
uncacheable area.
If the monitor is executed in the casheable area, the monitor execution speed is faster. So, the
program is downloaded at a higher speed. Normally, use the cacheable area (the area is factory-set).
The use of the cacheable area is factory-set (with 2-3 of JP2 closed).