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©2019 LORD Corporation Document 8501-0112 Rev -. Subject to change without notice.
MicroStrain Quick Start Guide: 3DM-GX5-45 GNSS/INS
Step 15:
There is one last step to consider, before exploring
SensorConnect further, or in corporating the sensor into your
own data handling system.
Click on Devices, and select Monitor Bytes. You can see
streaming data:
Step 16:
When you’re done exploring SensorConnect, click on Home,
and select a data repository to save your setup and data.
Now, you’re ready to put your sensor to work in your
application. For sensor pinout and other details, refer to the
user manual, which is found on the MicroStrain website:
Additional information about MicroStrain data
communications software and related information will be
found by scrolling down to DOCUMENTATION.
Details about other MicroStrain software can be found