distance between puck and display is too
big. You can check by bringing puck and
display close together. If the signal is ok
when they are close together, you need to
replace the batteries.
Solution C:
The direction of the puck
antenna needs to be optimised. The trans-
mission quality is very much influenced
by the frame of the skates. Loosen the
axle screw and turn the puck approx 30°.
Fasten the screw again and check the
transmission. Repeat this until you have
found the best antenna position.
7. Remarks
You can get special spare parts and
equipment for your Skate Speedometer.
The “Battery Service Kit” is a complete
maintenance set. It consists of spare
screws, new o-rings, a screwdriver, two
batteries and an instruction manual, or
you can get our spare wheels in one of
the following sizes:
76mm/80A, 78mm/80A, 80mm/82A.
function is not equivalent to the real
usage of the wheels. Check the perimeter
of the In-Line Skate Speedometer Wheel
and correct the programming if necessary.
Solution C:
Your bearings are either ex-
tremely good or extremely bad. In this
case it can happen, that the skating soft-
ware returns a distance differing from
the real distance more than 3%. By repro-
gramming the perimeter of the wheel you
can adjust the software to your individual
style and equipment. The new value for
the perimeter calculates as:
real distance
divided by shown distance multiplied by
the real perimeter.
Problem: The communication between
puck and display does not work.
Solution A:
The transmitter in the puck is
not activated yet. Turning the In-Line Skate
Speedometer Wheel activates the trans-
mitter after one turn. Check the connection
by pressing
Solution B:
The battery is weak so the
Microsport_Basic_11/02 11.11.2002 15:16 Uhr Seite 75