Battery health
All rechargeable batteries wear out eventually. Here's how to get the longest life from your
Several times a week, let your battery drain below 50% before charging it.
Avoid having your Surface plugged in 24/7.
Store your Surface in a cool, dry room when you're not using it.
For more info about battery health, see Caring for your Surface battery.
For more info about charging, see How to charge Surface.
Power cord care
Power cords, like any other metal wire or cable, can be weakened or damaged if repeatedly
twisted or bent in the same spot. Here are a few things you can do to keep your power cord
from being damaged:
Avoid twisting or pinching your power cord
Don't wrap your power cord too tightly, especially around the power brick. Instead,
wrap it using loose coils rather than tight angles.
Correct: Cord wrapped loosely
Incorrect: Cord wrapped too tightly
Inspect your power cord regularly, especially where it joins the power brick.
Avoid pulling on the power cord when unplugging your Surface. Gently removing the
connector from the charging connector can help prevent damage to your power cord.