Game Screen
In addition to losing health, your character can also suffer limb damage, which limits
your mobility and reduces the amount of damage that you can infl ict. Excessive blocking
or a collision with a hazard—like a pane of glass or a fl aming barrel—can make you
susceptible to arm or leg injuries by advancing the limb damage state.
Limb Damage Alert
Limb Damage Danger
You’ll see the fi rst and then the second message below the Limb Damage Indicator before
actually suffering limb damage. If you successfully avoid situations that cause limb
damage for a period of time, the notifi cations will fade away. The Limb Damage Alert state
is just a warning, but the Limb Damage Danger state indicates real trouble. Once the Limb
Damage Danger notifi cation is lit, the next successful attack to the upper body will cause
arm damage, whereas a successful attack to the legs will cause leg damage.
Once you’ve suffered limb damage, attacks using your injured limbs will cause less
damage, and if your legs are hurt, you will move more slowly. You can use your chi to heal
limb damage. For more information see the section “Healing Limb Damage.”
The Rounds Won Indicator looks like an abacus bead (as shown above) and is available in
all modes except Survival and Team Battle mode if turned on in Game Options. The default
is to have it turned off. You can set a match for one, three, or fi ve rounds.
Your point total for a match is displayed above your Health Meter. When you successfully
execute certain maneuvers, you will receive bonus points which are indicated with on-
screen text informing you how many points you received and the move for which you
received them. The moves that score the most bonus points are combos, attacks from
alternate stances, and counters.
Hit notifi cations appear on the screen when you successfully land a high-scoring
maneuver against your opponent. You receive them for combos and counters, or
when you successfully throw your opponent into a danger zone.
The Health Meter depicts your overall health. Depending on the mode of competition
you’ve chosen, you can have as many as three differently colored Health Meters. When this
is the case, the color sequence is green (fi rst), gold (second), and red (last). As each color
drains from the Health Meter it is replaced by black. Once one fi ghter’s red Health Meter is
completely empty, the fi ght is over.
The Chi Meter lets you know when you can use a Chi Attack or heal a damaged limb.
The meter fi lls as you connect with attacks, counters, and combos and generally stay
aggressive, and it builds up even faster if you use alternate stance attacks. In other words,
you don’t build up chi by running around and avoiding the fi ght. After you accumulate
suffi cient chi, you can perform a Chi Attack or heal limb damage suffered by your
character. Both uses deplete the Chi Meter.
Health Meter
Chi Meter (full)
Limb Damage
Notifi cation
Notifi cations
Limb Damage
8 - Tao Feng
Tao Feng - 9