Main Screen
This mode is for one or two players. As a single player, you choose your character and a
computer-controlled opponent to fi ght against. You also get to pick the environment where
the fi ght takes place. The match is over when a fi ghter’s Health Meter runs out.
Play through the Tao Feng story by choosing a sect and trying to recover sacred treasures.
In order to complete a quest, you must retrieve the sacred treasure that each sect
member has assigned to him or her.
Try to stay alive as you battle your way through a series of computer-controlled opponents.
If you can manage to knock your opponent into a danger zone, you’ll receive a Health
Meter power-up that will help you keep going longer.
One or two players select two to six different characters and the order in which they
will fi ght. The team that runs out of characters fi rst loses. Each character has only one
Health Meter. You accumulate points as you successfully progress through your roster
of characters.
Set up a tournament with as few as four and as many as eight players. Participants are
randomly paired off to fi ght each other head-to-head and the winner of each fi ght collects
the points for their match as well as the points from the opponent’s previous battles. The
fi nal tournament winner collects the point totals of all the matches combined.
Learn and practice your moves against a computer-controlled opponent with the aid of a
ticker-tape display that helps you keep track of button and pad presses. Standard Training
provides a space for unstructured practice. In Advanced Training you must progress
through a series of specifi ed tasks.
Adjust game settings, controller settings, audio settings, and view the High Scores list and
instant replays of how the highest scores were achieved.
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6 - Tao Feng
Tao Feng - 7