Attack Parameters
Overall, your attacks in Tao Feng are defi ned by height, range, speed, and strength. Kicks
have a longer range than punches, for example, but punches are quicker than kicks. Attack
parameters are also determined by your character’s physical traits. Some characters are
taller than others, some are faster, and others stronger. Adjust your fi ghting style based
on how your chosen character matches up against a particular opponent. The following
information describes the Tao Feng attack parameters and how you can apply them.
High Attacks—
Attacks directed toward the head or chest area. You can block high
attacks with a standing block or avoid them by crouching.
Middle Attacks—
Attacks directed toward the waist area. You can block middle attacks
with a standing block but you can’t avoid them by crouching or jumping.
Low Attacks—
Attacks directed toward the knee area. You can block them from the
crouch position or avoid them by jumping.
Range is how far attacks reach. Attacks for a chosen character vary in range, and overall
ranges vary between characters performing the same move because of their different
heights. For example, a tall character can reach farther with a kick than a short character
can. The ranges described below refer to the average ranges of basic moves.
In Close—
This is the shortest range. All characters perform quick reach throws
at this distance.
This is the most common range for fi ghting since most basic attacks
take place in this range.
Long Range—
This range is outside of all attacks except running attacks, forward
jump attacks, long reach throws, and Chi Attacks.
In Tao Feng, the quicker an attack is, the less damage it will cause. Faster attacks are
more likely to connect but are less forceful than slower attacks. The overall speed of
your character defi nes your fi ghting style—smaller, quicker characters make more
contact but do less damage than larger, slower characters.
Chi Attacks
One of the most lethal attacks in Tao Feng is the Chi Attack, which can only be executed
once your Chi Meter is fi lled up. The Chi Meter is located directly below the Health Meter
in the game screen.
Each character possesses three unique Chi Attacks—waves of fi re or swarms of insects,
for instance—that are characteristic of their style. Chi Attacks have different ranges and
therefore require different approaches to defend against them. Sometimes a Chi Attack
can be interrupted with a quick hit before the Chi Attack is executed. Another method for
defending against Chi Attacks is to use a Chi Attack of your own (if your Chi Meter is full),
which most often results in the two Chi Attacks completely cancelling each other out.
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