Quick Race
Though not offi cially sanctioned or sponsored, racers
often have short single-race events on their home
tracks. This is a good opportunity for the racers to
size each other up and get some practice when not in
tournament competition.
Although the racers don’t earn money in these single-
race events, they are allowed to use weapons, and
the tracks are supplied with weapon power-ups. In
keeping with custom, single races have six participants,
including the host racer.
Let’s say you have friends. Close your eyes, and just go
along with it, ok?
So, let’s say you had one, or two, or even (dare to
dream) three friends, and you all owned SPARCs,
and you wanted to take them out for a friendly little
competitive spin. You know, fl y around at the speed of
sound and fi re plasma weapons at one another. Good
clean fun.
mode lets you play up to four player split-
screen with the unlocked characters of your choice.
Zaki Shaheen
None may best me.
I am the strongest
racer in the world!
Ship: Mafdet
Pilot: Zaki Shaheen
Weapons: Thermal