Jordan Reynolds
This is Australia’s golden girl, a long-time
national champion, and probably the
most recognizable face in racing today.
That midriff-baring racing suit doesn’t
hurt, either.
She’s also more heavily involved with
racing politics than most of her peers,
leading a public crusade against the
lower, unsanctioned “blood” circuits.
This crackdown included the indictment
of Cassandra Foxton, mother of Kiri
Foxton. Some less charitable people
might say it was a convenient way
for Jordan to knock Kiri out of last year’s Austra-
lian National Championship.
Marcus Appleton
Here’s a guy who started off as the mechanic
for Jaya Kushala, the one-time
Redshift national champion in the UK, and
then ended up moving from her garage to
her bedroom. And she sure doesn’t keep
her SPARC in there.
he starts racing on his own
and beats Jaya on the track at the last
UK National Championship. Two words
for you: Cut. Off.
Leah Mathias
If you know who Leah Mathias is, then you either feel
sorry for her or you’re just kinda sick of her. On one
hand, she lost her boyfriend a few years ago when
former German national
Quantum Redshift champion
Max Steinhauer, well, blew him up (which wasn’t
actually the problem. The poor sap’s emergency pop
cage never activated.)
But the woman never smiles, never says anything
to the press, and totally ignores her fans and
supporters. She just races and races and frowns
a lot. I mean, really, move on already.
Ka Hekili
Ok, so, I’m not saying anything bad about
this guy. First of all, he’s about seven feet
tall and a gazillion pounds. And secondly,
rumor has it that he runs some sort
of cult/criminal empire on his island
he owns an island. Do you
own an island?).
But, when I say gazillion pounds and
cult/criminal empire, I mean that all
in the nicest way. And then there’s
the rumors about the giant alien
cyborg thing that’s trying to kill him.
Again, not that there’s anything bad
about that.
Marcus Appleton
All I know is the
fi rst one to the
end wins. It’s not
rocket science.
Ship: Loogaroo
Pilot: Marcus Appleton
Weapons: Sonic