Due to the vast differences between Ghouly
breeds, there are all sorts of ways in which
Cooper can fi nd himself injured if his
concentration slips. He can be bitten, clawed,
punched, burned, electrocuted, cursed and
mummifi ed by the hordes of zombies, mummies,
skeletons, ninja imps, and items of haunted
furniture that infest the corridors.
He’ll also be shown no mercy when it comes
to numbers—the Ghoulies have no intention of
fi ghting fair, and if they can round up 15 or
20 of their kind to bear down on Cooper in a
single room, so much the better!
The opulent rooms and darkened passageways
of Ghoulhaven Hall are home to all manner
of Ghouly breeds, each and every one of
them bearing an intense objection to Cooper’s
presence. Ghoulies can be humanoid, animal
or object, alive or dead, animate or inanimate ,
but all are dangerous and must be overcome
(preferably by hammering them to a pulp) if
Cooper wants to rescue Amber and escape to
the relative safety of the storm that continues
to rage outside.