Bonus Books
Bonus Books can be found in every
room of the Hall. Some rooms
have more than one Book to
offer, though only one at a
time: different volumes
from the same room must
be picked up on later visits.
Collecting Bonus Books is by no means essential,
but the number of Books found will have a direct
impact on the range of extras laid open in the
Features menu. Even when the game has been
completed, you can replay individual Chapters to
scour whole areas of Ghoulhaven for Bonus Books
with a minimum of backtracking.
A handful of the mansion’s rooms are populated
by bound and helpless victims of the Baron,
who unfortunately can’t be freed during Cooper’s
initial journey. Only in the later stages of his
quest will he have the opportunity and the
means to come back and save them. Maybe then
he’ll fi nd out whether there’s any kind of reward
for doing so!
In the classic tradition of Sinister Enemy Hideouts
everywhere, the main collectibles in Ghoulhaven
Hall are weapons that can be picked up and
used to great effect against the local shambling
denizens. Cooper’s not complaining about this,
but there
other items to be found which could
prove even more valuable. Some of these will be
supplied at the appropriate time, such as the all-
important map; others lie scattered throughout
the Rooms, there for the fi nding by anyone who
takes a break from Ghouly-bashing to seek them.
Breakable Scenery
During Cooper’s initial scuffles with
the Ghoulies, it’ll quickly become
clear that various elements of the
background scenery can be picked
up or demolished. As soon as you
discover that some surprisingly useful
Temporary Weapons can be unearthed
this way, there’ll be no stopping you.
However, note that thorough destruction
of the Baron’s ill-gotten property can
yield further bonus items, such as...
Soupswill’s Super Soups
Ma Soupswill is known for the restorative
properties of her soups, and Cooper is likely
to fi nd more than a few cans littered around
the household (Ma’s way of making it available
to a wide audience). Just be aware that some
batches have had unexpected side effects, and
not always welcome ones!