RN4870/71 PICtail™/PICtail Plus Daughter Board User’s Guide
DS50002547A-page 16
2016 Microchip Technology Inc.
Interface Description
1. RN4870 module
2. Power switch to wake-up the module from deep sleep (SW6)
3. Power test point (JP6)
4. Interface to MCP2200 USB/UART bridge (JP10)
5. VBAT supply and test point (J10)
6. Test button interface to SW1-SW4 (JP7)
7. Power to I
C bus (JP12); I
C features depend on firmware revision
8. Connector to I
C bus on RN4870 (CN4); I
C features depend on firmware
9. I
C reset (JP13); I
C features depend on firmware revision
10. SW1-SW4 test buttons
11. PICtail Interface (2x14 right-angle header pin) for PIC18 Explorer board
12. PICtail Pus Interface (edge connector) for PIC16 Explorer board
13. External power from USB host (LED6)
14. SPI Serial Flash Interface (J4)
15. UART connections (J3); RTS/CTS jumpers must be closed when hardware flow
control is enabled on module
16. Status indicator LED (LED1); for blink rate descriptions, refer to the
“ Bluetooth
4.2 Low Energy Module Data Sheet”
17. LED1 power jumper; disconnects LED from the RN4870 module if an external
MCU is monitoring this pin
18. Hardware Reset line to RN4870 (SW5)
19. Power options for PICtail (J1); PIC Explorer board, USB host, Battery (coin-cell
CR2032) on the back of the board
20. Connections to test LEDs 1-4 (JP5). The LEDs can be connected to PIO lines or
to an external MCU
21. Operating mode switch (SW7); 1: Application mode runtime, ON: Programming
or Configuration mode to update firmware or configuration settings
22. Ground Test Connector (J2)
CN1, CN2 and CN3 are header pins to the RN4870 module pins. The headers are used
either to connect the Sensor board to the PICtail board or as test points.