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colorCONTROL MFA-7/-14/-21/-28
Here you will find general information about the connected controller.
Fig. 16 Disconnect view
By clicking on the
button, you can jump back to the controller search
from any menu.
Serial Interface (RS422, RS232 and USB)
The RS422 interface has a maximum baud rate of 230400 baud. The baud rate is set to 115200 as default. The measur-
ing rate is at most 100 Hz and depends on the integration time and selected settings. Configuration takes place via ASCII
commands or via
The MFA-XX measures the colors in an internally asynchronous manner and delivers the results at fixed points in time
(DATARATE command) as a data frame. A data frame consists of 1 to 28 data channels (OUT command). Each channel
transmits a color and additional values. The additional values can also be set with the OUT command for all channels at
once. A color is composed of three values, which depend on the selected color space (COLORSPACE command).
The transmission settings of the controller and of the PC must match.
Data format:
Binary format for measured values, commands as ASCII character string
Interface parameters:
8 data bits, no parity, one stop bit (8N1)
Fig. 17 Change serial configuration window
In sensorTOOL, you have access to the configuration of the serial interface
describes how you
can get to this window.
You can select between the values 9600, 115200 and 230400 for the baud rate.
Each value is transmitted in 3 data bytes (color or additional value) with 18 useful bits each.
You can find more information on the measurement data format in the appendix
Only disconnect or connect the sub-D connection between the RS422 and USB converter when no voltage is flow-