Control Panels
Use control panels to set analyzer parameters, to modify sweep settings for the selected channel, to
apply various functions for the selected trace(-s). Expand or hide panel area by clicking on the “< >”
button (Fig.3-2) or press corresponded panel’s button to access controls. Table 3-1 represents item
types used in control panels.
Figure 3-2 Control panels
See function for each available panel below:
– sweep-to-sweep averaging, sweep type (frequency / power), IF bandwidth,
noise source control (IKSH option for noise measurements), port 1 external reference (SPA
option for the mixer measurements).
– frequency range, point number, frequency list management, full span and zero
span quick buttons.
– output power value (or modify power sweep span), output / input attenuation.
– trace format, reference level value and position, scale division, scale mode selection,
quick buttons for the autoscaling selected trace(-s) and all traces of the selected diagram.
– trigger IN / OUT settings, pulse generator and reference oscillator
Pulse Measurement
– pulse mode selection and time gate parameters.
Trace Operations
– accumulation, smoothing, phase delay functions, statistics displaying.
Time Domain
– time domain transform and its parameters (VOP option).
- Gating function settings for the time domain transform (VOP option).