Propane and Natural Gas Portable Heaters Manual
1. For LP - Connect the POL inlet on the regulator of the heater to the propane cylinder.
For NG - Ensure the Heater is provided with a gas supply of 8.5" WC.
2. Ensure Fuel selector valve on heater is in the proper position (Propane or Natural Gas).
3. Turn on Fuel supply.
4. Depress the fan switch to the “ON” position. The fan motor will start and air will be pushed through the
outlet of the heater.
5. Depress the heat switch to the “ON” position. The burner should ignite and hot air will be pushed through
the outlet of the heater.
6. Set the Thermostat (if provided) to desired temperature.
7. Visually watch the Power Supply Indicator light. ( see heater label if power is acceptable).
8. If heater fails to ignite after 3 attempts call your supplier for service.
1. Close fuel supply.
2. Move "Burner" switch to "OFF" position.
3. Wait 2-3 minutes and move “FAN” switches to the “OFF” position.
4. Disconnect heater from fuel supply.