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Installation instructions
The INDIVIDUAL options for installing the HEATSCOPE® radiant heater are shown in the diagrams in the
beginning of this manual.
Ensure that the radiant heater is fixed securely to the installation surface. In terms of tensile and shear
strength, the fixings must be able to withstand at least 3 times the weight of the radiant heater (in-
cluding accessories) that is to be installed. When installing the unit, use the correct screws (supplied)
for the surface.
Please bear in mind that you always need two fixing brackets to fix your unit safely. Please refer to the
minimum installation dimensions for the unit (cf. „minimum distances“).
It is mandatory to install the unit on a surface where it is well protected from any weather influences
like rain and dust from above; so the HEATSCOPE® has to be installed under a roof, an overhang or in
combionation with the optional available weather shield.
Acc. to EU 2015/1188 ecodesign directive for energy-related products the application of a thermostat
with a room sensor, weekday control system and window opening detection is mandatory, when ins
tallation a heating unit indoors. This is only possible with the HEATSCOPE® model types VE and SM. In
combination with the optional available thermostat DEVIreg™ Smart the heaters of these series fulfill
the conformity of the ecodesign directive.
HEATSCOPE® heaters are basically made for outdoor use – and most cases they are used outdoors
finally. Due to this they are factory-set delivered without any thermostat control system acc. to EU
2015/1188 ecodesign directive. This is consequent, reasonable and will economise valuable ressour
ces. Many times a separate temperature system / thermostat acc. to ecodesign directive is already
installed and the heaters should be fit in this system. In this case the customer or the assigned installer
is responsible to accomplish the EU standards of the ecodesign directive.
Operation, installation instructions and minimum distances
Once you have installed the unit, you can use it for the first time.
The HEATSCOPE® features an omnipolar „ON/OFF“ switch. You can control the radiant heater manually
using a selector switch on the unit itself or using an IR remote control which comes supplied (depen
ding on the model). The unit must be connected to a residual current circuit breaker and a fuse!
Install the unit only in indoor or outdoor areas that are well protected from any weather influences
from above like rain and dust. The heater is protected from lateral spray water, but it has to be covered
with a roof or a similar canopy like the optional available weather shield upwards.
CAUTION: The mounting of the heater on the wall and on the cieling as well as in glass houses and
conservatories has professionally to be accomplished solely according to the mounting regulations.
Specified safety distances given are min. values and may deviate from the local building and fire
safety regulations. The safety distances as well as the local building and fire safety regulations must be
complied with at all times, leave inproper stated installation settings undone at any time. Deviant ins
tallation settings require the technical approval of the manufacturer, who can prescribe the installation
of temperature and weather protection shields. In the case of a deviant installation setting without
approval of the manufacturer danger for people and environment occurs. Warranty and guarantee