MFJ-926B HF Automatic Remote Antenna Tuner
Instruction Manual
2010 MFJ Enterprises, Inc.
Automatically matches antennas from 6 to 1600 ohms impedance (SWR up to 32:1)
Handles 200 watts SSB/CW
Tune in less than 15 seconds, usually less than 5 seconds
Over 2500 non-volatile memories for tuner settings
Highly efficient switching L-network matching circuit
1.8 to 30 MHz continuous frequency coverage
Powered by DC voltage impressed on coax using built-in bias tee
SO-239 coax fed antenna connector
Connector for random wire or single wire antennas
Included external bias tee for impressing DC voltage on the input coax
Impedance matching range: 6 to 1600 ohms
SWR matching range: up to 8:1 for < 50 ohms and up to 32:1 for > 50 ohms
Minimum power for tuning: 2 watts
Maximum power while tuning: 100 watts with foldback, 20 watts without foldback
RF power limit: 200 watts SSB/CW
Frequency range: 1.8 to 30 MHz continuous coverage
Capacitance range: 0 to 3961 pF nominal (256 values)
Inductance range: 0 to 24.86
H nominal (256 values)
Relay rating: 10 amp 1000 volts
Relay electrical life: 100,000 operations
Relay mechanical life: 10 million operations
Memory endurance: 1 million erase/write cycles
Memory data retention: > 200 years
Power requirements: 12 - 15 volts DC
External bias tee DC interface: 2.1 × 5.5 mm coaxial plug, center pin positive
Current consumption: 750 milli-amp or less
Dimensions (approx.): 10.5 × 2.5 × 14.0 in. (width/height/depth)
Weight (approx.): 1.0lb
Specifications and design are subject to change without notice.