Travel Iambic Paddle Kit
If your paddle does not function properly, proceed with the following steps.
Refer to Figures 1, 2, and 3 to ensure that your paddle is assembled correctly.
Make sure that all screws and nuts are secure.
Check all solder marks for flaws.
Be sure that all the leads of the wires are properly connected (see steps 4-10
and Figures 3 and 4).
Make sure the 3.5 mm jack is plugged correctly in your keyer or rig and that
the keyer or rig is properly turned on.
Be sure that there is a gap between the spacer and the screw heads.
Make sure that the shoulder washer is completely inside the hole on the
paddle and the washer is flush with the paddle.
If none of these steps help, go back through the assembly instructions to insure
that the kit was properly assembled. If the kit does not work after this, contact
your local MFJ distributor for product assistance.