Travel Iambic Paddle Kit
Figure 4
7. Flip the paddle over so that the bottom is facing up. Then, lay the wire
along the bottom side of the paddle (see Figure 4).
8. Use Figures 3 and 4 to orient the wires to their correct positions. With
the paddle positioned like Figure 4, run the wire that corresponds to the
tip through the upper hole, the ring through the bottom hole, and the
common to the solder lug located on the base.
9. Solder the common wire to the solder lug on the bottom of the base and
let cool.
10. Flip the paddle back right side up and pull each wire to the
corresponding solder lug on either side of the paddle.
11. Solder the wires one at a time to the corresponding solder lugs on either
side of the paddle and let cool. Make sure that the wires do not make a
connection with the paddle arms.