Travel Iambic Paddle Kit
4. Place the Paddle on its base and then fasten. First, secure the back of
the paddle with a screw and kep nut. Then, place the spacer between
the paddle’s arms and secure it from the bottom with the screw and the
remaining solder lug (see Figure 2 and 4). Be certain that all screws
and nuts are tight before proceeding. Make sure there is a small gap
between the spacer and the screw heads.
Figure 2
Paddle Arm
Rubber Foot
The next steps require soldering. For tips on soldering refer to BEFORE YOU
START BUILDING portion of the manual.
When heated, soldering irons and solder can seriously burn anything
they contact.
5. Prepare the wire of the 3.5 mm jack to be connected to the Iambic