Maximum range
The maximum range depends to a large ex-
tent on the following factors:
battery condition,
weight of the driver,
driving speed,
driving style,
road surface condition,
driving conditions,
ambient temperature.
The nominal values given by us are realistic
under the following conditions:
Ambient temperature of 27 °C.
100 % rated drive battery capacity as
per the DIN standard.
new condition of the drive batteries
with more than 5 charging cycles.
Nominal load of 100 kg.
Without repeated acceleration.
Level, firm driving surface.
The maximum range is greatly reduced by:
frequent driving upwards on ramps,
insufficient charging condition of the
drive batteries,
low ambient temperature,
frequent starts and stops (e. g. in shop-
ping malls),
aged, sulphated drive batteries,
frequently necessary steering manoeu-
reduced driving speed (especially at
walking speed).
In practical use, the maximum range under
'normal conditions' is then reduced to ap-
prox. 80 – 40 % of the nominal value.
Hill climbing ability
Gradients in excess of the permitted values
(e.g. ramps) should for safety reasons only
be driven when the wheelchair is empty!
Normative specifications
The model has been assigned the 'Use Class
A' as per the EN 12184 standard.
The parts and components we use fulfil the
relevant norms for fulfilment of resistance
against inflammation.