Made by ALL Engineering
What more can you do after launching one of the best dacs and Digital (Pre) Amplifiers available
today? We are aware that our current flagship products Pavane, Adagio and Forte are hard to beat
but at least one idea was not realized yet.
The idea of having similar high end sound like the ADAGIO but in an affordable version!
Introducing JADE by Metrum Acoustics, a powerful Digital Pre Amplifier which in sound comes close
to our ADAGIO,
The biggest difference between the ADAGIO and JADE is the fact that the JADE uses two DAC chips
per channel, whereas the ADAGIO uses 4 Chips per channel. Both ADAGIO and JADE use Forward
Correction Technology and are following the working principle of being a Balanced Digital Pre
Amplifier. Needless to say that we use Non Oversampling techniques. Our own designed and
engineered DAC chips will guarantee a unique listening experience!
The result of this process is an extremely high linearity, right down to -145 dB, which gives the JADE a
realistic 24 bit dynamic range. The JADE is a step forwards as it omits a pre-amplifier. It is musical,
honors the Non-oversampling principle and simultaneously incorporating the technological progress
that has been made over the years while developing our products.
The Jade will reach its maximum performance after a three to four weeks
of intensive use!