Power lines and telephone sheaths are assumed to be grounded. If you are tracing a conductor with an
exposed insulated joint, such as a gas pipe with a gas meter, use the jumper cable to bypass the meter
(insulator). Attach each end of the jumper cable to opposite sides of the insulator.
To trace non-metallic pipe (sewer line) or duct send the signal through the conductor by inserting a snake
or fishtape into the pipe and connecting the Direct Connect Cable from the Transmitter to one end of it.
Never make a direct connection to a live power cable. Use a voltmeter to check for active electrical power.
Always make sure the power to a cable is turned off before you make a direct connection to it. (live
secondary power can be located safely using an Inductive clamp.)
To start locating:
There are three different methods of applying the signal to the conductor with the transmitter - Direct
Connection, Inductive Coupling and Inductive. A description of each method and use instructions follow
In addition to three different methods of inducing the signal onto the conductor, there are two methods -
PEAK and NULL by which to locate your conductor.
The PEAK method is generally used to follow the path or direction of a line. It is the preferred method for
general locating because the sensitivity or gain can be kept to a minimum which prevents bleed-off onto
nearby lines.
The NULL method is used for more accurate locating of the centerline of a conductor. You would want to
get an accurate locate of a conductor centerline before determining the depth of a conductor.
PEAK and NULL procedures are described below.
4.1 Direct (Conductive) Connection
This is the preferred mode of operation because the Transmitter is connected directly to a metallic part of
the conductor (hydrant, meter, riser, valves, sheath, tracer wire) allowing a strong maximum signal to reach
the conductor. In this operating mode the Receiver can be closer to the Transmitter, and adjacent buried
conductor interference is reduced.
1 With the Transmitter OFF, plug the Direct Connect Cable into the jack labeled COND/AUX OUTPUT
on the 480B Transmitter.
2 Attach the RED lead of the Direct Connect Cable to an electrically clean metallic part of the targeted
3 Extend the BLACK lead of the Direct Connect Cable as far as possible from the conductor, at a right
angle. Look for a convenient existing ground, such as a metal street sign. Be careful not to get close to or
cross any adjacent buried conductors. If no existing ground is available, use the ground spike as far into the