MI 3155
General description
AutoTT, Auto TN(RCD), Auto TN, Auto IT, Zauto
Voltage drop (dU) measurement in each Auto test (except Z auto) is enabled only if Z
is set.
See notes related to Zline, Zloop, Zs rcd, Voltage drop, Rpe, IMD and ISFL single tests.
Metrel Auto Sequences
® are designed as guidance to tests in order to significantly
reduce testing time, improve work scope and increase traceability of the tests performed.
METREL assumes no responsibility for any Auto Sequence® by any means. It is the
user’s responsibility, to check adequacy for the purpose of use of the selected Auto
Sequence®. This includes type and number of tests, sequence flow, test parameters and
Auto Sequences® mode allows building custom-defined test sequences.
See notes related to single tests in the
selected Auto Sequence®.
Compensate test leads resistance before entering Auto Sequences®.
Zref value for Voltage drop test (ΔU) implemented in any Auto Sequence® should be set
in single test function.