MI 2142 AlphaPAT Measurements
Actual result is shown on the display during measurement. After measurement time has
elapsed the last measured value is displayed, and PASS or FAIL indication appears on
the display.
Press START key to repeat the test or press ESC key to return to the
Single test
The appliance under test should be de-energized before the measurement!
Consider any warning on the display before starting the measurement!
Do not touch the appliance under test during the measurement or before it is fully
discharged! The message »Discharging…« is displayed while the voltage on
appliance under test is higher than 20V!
Do not disconnect the appliance under test from the instrument during the
measurement or before it is automatically discharged!
6.3 Substitute leakage current
This test determines the current that will leak through the appliance into ground if the
test voltage is the nominal mains supply voltage for the appliance. The current flowing
at test voltage of 40VAC is measured and scaled to the appliance mains supply voltage
(110VAC or 230VAC).
6.3.1 Substitute leakage current on class I appliances
For class I appliances the nominal test voltage of 40VAC is applied between short-
circuited mains terminals and protective conductor terminal of the appliance mains
supply plug.
Measurement of substitute leakage current of class I appliance
6.3.2 Substitute leakage current on class II appliances
For class II appliances the test probe, which should be attached to the each exposed
metal part of the appliance, is used. Ensure that the tested metal part is not in contact
with ground.