Table 1 Installation (continued)
Groundwater Well
Suspend HYDROS 21 in Well
Ensure the well has been properly installed, consulting additional resources as
necessary (e.g., Sprecher, 2008). The well must be 3.5 cm in diameter or larger.
NOTE: Well design depends on the desired measurement, such as groundwater flow,
quality, level, or pressure head.
Use the Kellem grip to set the desired installation depth. Set the installation
depth based on the zero point for the pressure transducer.
Lower the sensor down the well and use the hook on the Kellem grip to
suspend the sensor in its final position.
Sensor in groundwater well
Cap the well.
Ensure the well is able to vent to atmospheric pressure.
Surface Water
Suspend HYDROS 21 in Water Body
Select a secure location to mount the sensor, such as a bridge abutment or
pier. If there is not an existing structure, drive a post into the stream bed.
Install sensor protection.
Protect the pressure sensor from noise from water flows. For example, slotted
well screens protect the sensor from debris and dampens the effect of stream
current on the pressure measurement.
Suspend sensor from mounting location.
Sensor suspended in water body
Secure cable, accounting for higher flow conditions to protect sensor cable
from higher currents and floating debris.