1 Function and usage
The manhole zoom camera STV-4 offers a far-reaching look into sewer pipes, waste
water pipes and water piping in normal operation from manholes and inspection
openings, without the need of entering or previous cleaning. With this tool, used to
inspect the operating condition, the operation, control and cleaning of the drainage
systems can be organised under completely new conditions.
The zoom camera STV-4 will be fully software-controlled by WLAN with a tablet PC
or notebook of the operating personnel or from a camera inspection car operator
workstation. The supplied control software can be installed on any number of control
PCs of the potential users.
Due to the special lighting characteristic of the 12 high efficiency LEDs and the
extremely high light sensitivity of the camera module used, the STV-4 is, starting with
DN 150, suitable for zoom inspection of public drainage systems in the entire
dimension range, especially for large dimensions as well as shaft and special
Depending on the dimensions ‘range and the operating situation, the STV-4 is either:
a) Manually adjusted in the shaft channel, by means of a telescopic rod and a
support foot, which can be adjusted depending on the dimensions, so that it is
approximately in the channel axis
b) The telescopic rod is clamped in the optionally supplied tripod and the camera
is positioned in the channel axis
Due to the integrated motor-driven angle adjustment, the actual inspection can be
fully carried out by software, if the camera is correctly aligned at a horizontal level.