for our full line of STOTT PILATES
STARTInG POSITIOn one to two springs, pole through
both straps. Seated on Reformer facing pulleys, knees
bent with feet on headrest between shoulder rests,
lower back curved toward carriage, holding pole,
arms reaching forward, palms up InHALE prepare
rOLL dOwn wITh BIcEP curL
Complete 8-10 repetitions
ExHALE flex elbows to bring pole to shoulders
InHALE keep torso still and return to starting position
BAck rOw wITh rOTATIOn
Complete 5-8 repetitions on each side
STARTInG POSITIOn one to two springs, pole through both straps. Seated on Reformer
facing pulleys, legs long with ankles crossed between shoulder rests, lower back curved
toward carriage, torso rotated toward one side, holding pole, arms reaching forward,
palms down InHALE prepare
ExHALE flex elbows to bring pole toward chest
InHALE keep torso still and return to starting position