Frequently asked questions
10.How many GARAGE DOOR OPENERS can I control with one internet gateway?
Up to
16 openers,
within radio
ange of the gateway
11.How many GATEWAYS can I have on a single account?
You can have any amount of gateways on one account, eg. have one at your main home and
another at your vaca
on home.
12.What do the Green, Blue and Yellow Leds on the Gateway Indicate?
The Leds on the internet gateway indicates its current opera
onal status.
The Green Led ON solid indicates an ac
ve internet connec
on (will blink o
infrequently with
The Blue Led ON solid indicates that the internet gateway has learned at least one myQ Opener,
(will blink o
infrequently when communica
ng with a myQ device).
The Yellow Led indicates the internet gateway is ac
vely wai
ng to learn a myQ device. The
Yellow light will
me out in three minutes if a device is not learned.
13.Can any adjustments be made to the Gateway
No, there are no user adjustments. All LAN and internet connec
on se
ngs of the internet
gateway are factory-set and cannot be changed.
The LAN address is assigned by the router and does not need user involvement; however,
typically rese
ng the gateway will cause the gateway to request a new ID from the router.
Power O
and On again is an e
ve reset.
14.Which type of ROUTER will work with the internet gateway?
All of the latest home routers are known to work with the internet gateway. Some older model
routers, and routers with high level security
firewalls etc, may cause the router to block the
Try another Ethernet connec
on on the router.
15.Can I use the internet gateway with a COMMERCIAL internet or BUSINESS internet connec
or within a business LAN environment?
No, Merlin ANZ does not have any myQ commercial product currently available, so this op
on is
not available.
16.Will the Internet
Gateway slow down my internet connec�on?
No. The internet gateway data transmission is very minimal and only ac
ve when sending a
message, such as when a command is given for the door to operate. You will not experience any
speed reduc
on to your internet connec
l a slow internet connec�on effect my Internet Gateway opera�on?
No. The internet gateway will not be a
ect ed by a slow internet connec
on. The internet
gateway data transmission is very minimal and does not require a fast connec
18.If my internet connec
on stops working, how do I control my garage door opener?
Remote Control Transmi
ers supplied with the Opener will open and close the door at the home
site. These include keypads and Wireless Wall Controls.