Frequently asked questions
1. What is myQ Technology.
myQ is Merlin’s Internet Ac
on and Monitoring Protocol for garage door systems. With this
technology, a smartphone ,tablet or computer can be used to monitor and control your garage
door opener from anywhere in the world.
2. Can I connect a myQ opener directly to my phone or computer?
No. You must use a myQ Internet Gateway connected to a home router. The router must have
a con
nuously ac
ve internet connec
on (also known as broadband internet). A dial-up
on is not acceptable.
3. What are the NECESSARY ITEMS required to establish a residen
al myQ system?
The Merlin myQ installa
on kit includes:-
The Merlin myQ enabled Garage Door Opener kit with Infrared safety beams.
The internet Gateway Kit with power pack and cables.
The homeowner requires:-
A home router with con
nuous Ethernet connec
on port.
Computer or smart Iphone to ac
vate the opener.
4. Can any other device be controlled with the myQ Internet Gateway?
, only Merlin Garage Door Openers, specifically manufactured with myQ Technology.
5. How do I CONNECT to the internet?
Follow the steps in the Merlin QUICK START GUIDE(supplied with the opener) to create an
account and download the free App.
6. Does the
Gateway use WiFi or an Ethernet connec�on?
The gateway connects to the internet via an Ethernet port on the router, (not WiFI) and is
then paired to the opener via a UHF radio signal.
7. How do I know the Gateway is connected to the internet?
The Green LED on the Gateway will stop blinking and remain ON when connected to the internet.
8. How do I know the garage door opener has paired to the Gateway?
The Blue LED on the gateway will be ON when paired to the gateway.
9. Is the installa
on posi
on of the Gateway module important?
The gateway module is installed inside the house, close to the router, and on most homes will
allow good recep
on and reliable opera
Keep in mind however, reduced range can occur because of interior walls and large metal
objects located between the two myQ devices, so clo
ser gateway installa�on to the opener
may be required.
You can use a longer ethernet cable (up to 100�) to posi�on the internet gateway closer to
your garage or closer to a window. Use any 10BaseT CAT5 or be�er ethernet cable.