Hopper Setup Screen
To Enter This Screen, Touch “Hop-
per Setup” on the S.W.P. Menu
The Hopper Setup screen allows you to ad-
just the hopper settings. The hopper is used
solely for Skill With Prize payouts. To estab-
lish funds for player payouts, the operator
must manually load (“top-up”) the hopper
with £1 coins only. Unlock and raise the top
and monitor bezels to access the hopper.
Lift the cover off the hopper and fill. Line up
the cover with the left corners of the hop-
per, then snap into place. At collection, the
amount in the hopper should be separated
and returned to the appropriate party. The
remaining funds in the coin box and over-
flow bucket can be split as desired.
Actual Float: Current number of coins in
the hopper. After a Hopper Top-Up, this num-
ber will change to the number of coins the
operator selected using the Hopper Top-Up
buttons. The Actual Float will never be higher
than the last top-up amount. Excess coins
entered through the Refill Key screens or
the coin acceptor will be rerouted to the
overflow bucket. The operator must enter
the correct amount as the original Actual
Float value for proper functionality.
Hopper Top-Up: Select the number of
coins manually placed in the hopper. Choose
from 70 pounds, 125 pounds, or touch the
Set Custom arrow to select a custom
amount between 40 and 200 pounds. Use
the numeric keypad to enter an amount, then
touch the corresponding button. The se-
lected top-up amount is the maximum amount
the hopper will hold.
NOTE: After selecting a custom
amount, you must touch the button with
that amount displayed for the Actual
Float value to update.
Hopper Dump: Use the Hopper Dump but-
tons to dump coins from the hopper to the
payout tray. Touch the corresponding but-
tons to individually dump coins, dump the
amount last “topped-up,” or empty the entire
hopper. If the actual float of the hopper is
less than the amount selected for hopper
dump, “Short £(X)” will flash on-screen.
NOTE: The operator must enter the
correct amount as the original Actual
Float value for proper functionality.
If the operator enters an Actual Float
amount different than the actual coins
input in the hopper, “Dump All” will
not function properly and an error
message will display. If the wrong Ac-
tual Float amount is entered, and an
error does not display, press the
“Dump All” button once, then again,
to remove all coins. An error message
will display the amount of coins over
the Actual Float. Calculate the true
Actual Float by adding the initial dis-
played Actual Float amount and the
error amount.
Target Payout: The default setting is 30%.
Press the Set Payout % arrow and use the
numeric keypad to change the amount. The
minimum is 30% and the maximum is 50%.
Hopper Refill
When the hopper contains 20 or fewer coins,
“Hopper is Low. Please Refill” will dis-
play on the SETUP Main Menu. If more money
is needed to complete a player payout, “Ser-
vice Machine. Please See Attendant”
will display on the Player Menu Screen.
Press OK to clear this screen.