Make the External Connections
After you have installed the mainboard, make the connections to the
external ports.
1. PS2KBM is a stack of two PS/2 mini-DIN ports. The upper port can
be used by a PS/2 mouse or pointing device. The lower port can be
used by a PS/2 keyboard.
2. LPT1 is a parallel port that can be used by printers or other parallel
communications devices. The system identifies the parallel port as
3. The upper 15-pin port J2 is a game/MIDI port. You can use this port
to connect a joystick or a MIDI device to your system
4. The lower part of J2 is three audio jacks. The left side jack is for a
stereo line out signal. The middle jack is for a stereo line in signal.
The right side jack is for a microphone.
5. VGA1 is the connector for a display monitor. Plug the data cable
from the monitor into VGA1.
6. COM1 is a serial port that can be used by serial devices such as a
mouse, a fax/modem and so on. This serial port is identified by the
system as COM1/3.
7. USB1 is a stack of two Universal Serial Bus ports. Use these ports to
connect to USB devices.