mcr OMEGA pro
Power and Control Panel
The company reserves the right to modify and amend this document without notice.
Once all required electrical connections have been made with all system components and the Power and
Control Panel and tested, verify that it is safe to connect the Power and Control Panel to its power supply.
Turn the main power switch on. The green POWER LED indicator should light up on the Power and Control
Panel. Verify that no faults are present and that the FAULT LED indicator is not on. If the POWER LED is
on and no faults have occurred, the Power and Control Panel is in the monitoring mode and standing by
to run the fire algorithms if triggered to do so by a fire alarm output from the fire alarm system.
Due to the modular design of the mcr OMEGA pro Power and Control Panel, the operating instructions
and requirements are customised to the specific application site, fire scenario, fire protection requirements
and user requirements.
The table below lists the operating status indications for the Power and Control Panel.
Table 3. Operating status readings of the P&C Panel LED indicators.
The Power and Control Panel
power is online
P&C Panel or any of
connected devices fault.
Fire Alarm status,
fire alarm algorithm active
Testing of an algorithm.
Power off
No power supply
The Power and Control Power can indicate internal faults and faults detected in external fire protection
devices interfaced with the system. Whenever the Power and Control Power indicates a FAULT, check
the following:
Is the Power and Control Power properly connected to the power supply?
Are all Power and Control Power protection units switched on?
Does any MMS module indicate faults with flashing LEDs, turned off LEDs, or incorrect input states?
Examples of internal faults:
Incorrect phase sequence
Controlled device protection tripped
Controller fault
Battery UPS or battery bank fault
Examples of external faults:
Continuity lost on a control actuator power line
10 k
Ω EOL resistor missing or improperly installed
Actuator non-responsive: operating timeout.