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Specifications and dimensions given in this leaflet represent the state of engineering at the time of printing.
Modifications may take place and materials specified may be replaced by others without prior notice.
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Data Sheet CPC3000 • 02/2014
Scope of supply
CPC3000 High-Speed Pressure Controller
(Desk top version with bezel and handle)
Power cable (6 ft.) with plug
Operating instructions
NIST traceable calibration certificate
Pressure adaptor fittings
A2LA certificate
Barometric reference
19" rack mounting kit
Customized calibration system
Additional pressure adaptor fittings
All standard Mensor products are provided with a calibration
certificate traceable to NIST. The calibration program at
Mensor is accredited to both ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and
Z540-1-1994 by A2LA. Mensor is certified to ISO9001:2008.
©2007 Mensor.
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