• Keep machine rota�ng parts lubricated, such as: pinion, rack gear,
bushings, and bearings;
• Lubricate the equipment at the beginning of opera�on, applying
grease to all lubrica�on points;
• Lubrica�on of the pinion/rack gear assembly is not recommended due
to the fact that aggregates such as sand, cement and gravel dust, among
others, can adhere to the lubrica�ng agent, causing the mixture to
become extremely abrasive, thus resul�ng in premature wear.
• When lubrica�ng the pimion sha� bearing, the concrete mixer drum
must be in a posi�on where the steel yoke arm is perpendicular (90°) in
rela�on to the machine column and the drum mouth must be turned to
the same side where the grease fi�ng is. If not, the bearings will not be
Esso: Beacon 2
Mobil: Mobilux 3
Shell: Shell Avania R2
Texaco: Mul�Flax EPO
Castrol: Graxa LM2
Atlan�c: Litholine 2
Recommended Greases
Transport, Li�ing and
• It has yoke just to raise a few cen�meters of soil and carry through the
movement of the wheels;
• They should be used by �l�ng, with the barrel facing down, while
maintaining the flatness of the mixer;
• Feature based on the columns for storing one on the other, fixa�on is
by screws, use only one level of stacking;