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If this fireplace is elevated high enough beyond the maximum on the table, above, you will be required to use a sheet
metal shield which is mounted on the soffit directly above the vent cap spanning 36” wide centered over the vent cap and
spanning the full depth of the soffit, spaced 1” down from the soffit surface using tubular spacers or stacked washers. This
metal shield allows you to lower the clearance between Vent Cap Center and the metal shield to 12”.
The ML47 Linear Fireplace may be installed directly on wood floor or any non-combustible solid flooring, except carpet
and vinyl. The bottom edge of the visible glass will be located 9-3/16” up from the floor level in this configuration.
Mendota recommends that the ML47 be installed on an elevated wood framed support stand of at least 15” tall which will
result in the bottom edge of the visible glass locating at 24” above the floor level of the room.
How to determine the proper installed height of this fireplace:
Determine how individuals spend their time in the room this fireplace is to be installed. If time is spent mostly sitting on a
chair or sofa, determine the eye level height of the shortest individual while this individual is sitting in the chair or sofa.
Subtract 10” from the eye level height. This is the recommended height for the bottom edge of the visible glass.
This recommendation is strictly cosmetic and is not required to be adhered to.