background image

You should check before installation that you have removed all
packaging has been removed from the microwave oven both
inside and outside. 

Positioning the microwave
The microwave oven should be placed on a flat surface, with
clearance of at least 7-8 cm from the sides of the microwave
(including rear and top) to ensure sufficient ventilation. This
microwave oven is not suitable for fitting in, and you must check

Do not place the microwave oven next to hot areas, for example
gas rings and electric hotplates.

Connecting the microwave oven
The microwave oven must be connected to a 230-volt AC
current, 50 Hz. The guarantee is not valid in the event of
connection to the wrong voltage.

Installation of the glass turntable
Before using the microwave ensure that: 

the turning ring is fitted to the spindle and that

the glass turntable is fitted to the turning ring.



Place the food in the oven and close the door.


Choose the required microwave power using the top knob
(B) on the operating panel.


Set the timer (A) on the operating panel to the required
cooking time.

The oven starts automatically when you have selected the
microwave power and cooking time. 
Once the cooking time has passed, the oven stops automatically
and a signal rings. 
Cooking can be interrupted at any time by opening the oven
door. If the oven door is closed again, cooking resumes.
When the oven is not in use, the timer should be at 0.


When preparing food in the microwave oven, the following basic
rules apply:

Preparation time
Smaller quantities of food are prepared more rapidly than large
quantities. If the amount of food is doubled, the preparation time
must be correspondingly increased to almost twice. 

Smaller pieces of meat, small fish and chopped vegetables
cook more quickly than large pieces. For the same reason, it
is recommended, if, for example, you wish to make goulash,
stews or similar, that the meat be cut into maximum 2 x 2
cm pieces.

The compactness of the food is also very important for the
cooking time. The more compact the food is, the longer it takes
to cook it. 

Complete steaks require a longer cooking time than stewed

A steak requires a longer time than a dish with minced

The colder the food, the longer the cooking time needs to be.
Food at room temperature will therefore cook faster than food
from a fridge or freezer.

When cooking vegetables, the cooking time depends on the
freshness of the vegetables. Therefore check the condition of the
vegetables, and add or deduct a little time accordingly.

The short cooking time when using a microwave oven means
that the food does not overcook.

If required, a little water can be added. 

When cooking fish and vegetables, you only need to use the
minimum of water.

Microwave power
The choice of power setting depends on the condition of the
food to be cooked. 
In most cases, the food is cooked on full power.

Full power is used, among other things, for reheating food
quickly, boiling water or similar. 

Low power is principally used to defrost food and prepare
dishes containing cheese, milk and egg. (Whole eggs in
their shell cannot be cooked in the microwave oven, as
there is a risk of the eggs exploding). In addition, lower
power settings are also used for finish off and for retaining
the excellent aroma of a dish.

Summary of the five power steps:
HIGH (full power)

100 % 

M. HIGH (medium-high power)

77 %

MED (medium power)

55 %

M. LOW (medium-low power)

33 %

LOW (low power)

18 %

General information on cooking

If the whole meal is to be prepared in the microwave oven, it
is recommended that you start with the most compact
foods, such as potatoes. Once these are ready, cover them
while the rest of the food is prepared.

Most food should be covered. A close-fitting cover retains
the steam and moisture, which shortens the cooking time in
the microwave oven. This is particularly the case when
cooking vegetables, fish dishes and casseroles. Covering
food also distributes the heat better, thus ensuring rapid
and excellent results.

In order to achieve the best possible results, it is important
to position the food correctly, as the microwave rays are
most powerful in the centre of the oven. If, for example, you
are baking potatoes, you should position them along the
edge of the glass turntable so that they cook evenly.

In order to cook compact dishes such as meat and poultry
evenly, it is important to turn the pieces of meat a few times.

You can bake in the microwave oven, although not with
recipes that include yeast.

When preparing food in a "traditional" oven, you normally
avoid opening the oven door as much as possible. This is
not the case with a microwave oven: no energy or
significant heat is lost. In other words, you can open the
microwave door and look at the food as often as you want.

Important safety measures when preparing food!

If using the microwave oven to heat baby food or liquids in a
feeding bottle, you must always stir the food/liquid and
check the temperature thoroughly before serving. This
ensures that the heat is evenly distributed and avoids
scalding injuries.

The lid and/or teat must not be fitted on a feeding bottle
when it is placed in the microwave oven.

If some foods are heated too long, they may char and give
off smoke. If this happens, you should leave the door closed
and switch off the microwave oven completely.


653110_IM  06/07/07  14:40  Side 19

that the vent holes on the left side and back of the housing ar
not covered. If they are covered while the microwave oven is in 
use, there is a risk of it overheating. The microwave oven cannot 
then be used until it has cooled down.

Содержание 653-110

Страница 1: ...geovn 6 NO Mekanisk mikrobølgeovn 10 FI Mekaaninen mikroaaltouuni 14 UK Mecanical micrewave oven 18 DE Mechanisches Mikrowellengerät 22 PL Mechaniczna kuchenka mikrofalowa 26 RU Механическая микроволновая печь 30 653 110 111 653110_IM 06 07 07 14 40 Side 1 ...

Страница 2: ...ner sig i närheten av apparaten när den är i bruk bör hållas under uppsyn Försök aldrig att reparera mikrovågsugnen själv Om mikrovågsugnen sladden eller stickkontakten behöver repareras skall de lämnas till en godkänd reparationsverkstad Om apparaten utsätts för obehöriga reparationer upphävs garantin Kontakta din återförsäljare om reparationen faller under garantivillkoren Brandrisk Notera följa...

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Страница 7: ...gte retter En steg kræver længere tid end en ret med hakket kød Jo koldere fødevarerne er jo længere skal tilberedningstiden være Madvarer der har stuetemperatur tilberedes således hurtigere end madvarer fra køleskab eller dybfryser Ved tilberedning af grøntsager afhænger tilberedningstiden af grøntsagernes friskhed Kontrollér derfor grøntsagernes tilstand og læg enten lidt tid til eller træk lidt...

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Страница 9: ...ler du købte det af på betingelse af at du køber nyt udstyr Kontakt forhandleren distributøren eller de kommunale myndigheder for at få yderligere oplysninger om hvordan du skal håndtere elektrisk og elektronisk affald GARANTIBESTEMMELSER Garantien gælder ikke hvis ovennævnte ikke iagttages hvis der har været foretaget uautoriserede indgreb i mikrobølgeovnen hvis mikrobølgeovnen har været misligho...

Страница 10: ... personer opphører garantien Ta kontakt med forhandleren hvis reparasjonen faller inn under garantien Brannfare For å redusere risikoen for brann i mikrobølgeovnen skal du ta hensyn til punktene nedenfor Ikke varm maten for lenge eller ved for høy effekt og la ikke ovnen være uten oppsyn hvis papir plast eller andre brennbare materialer er plassert i ovnen for å redusere tilberedningstiden Metallk...

Страница 11: ...t kun nødvendig med en liten mengde vann Mikrobølgeeffekt Effektinnstillingen er avhengig av tilstanden til maten som skal tilberedes I de fleste tilfeller tilberedes maten ved full effekt Full effekt brukes bl a til rask oppvarming av mat koking av vann o l Lav effekt brukes hovedsakelig til tining av mat og til tilberedning av mat som inneholder ost melk og egg Egg med skall må ikke tilberedes i...

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Страница 13: ...åtte oppstå på grunn av feil på strømnettet TEKNISKE DATA Driftsspenning 230 V 50 Hz Mikrobølgeeffekt 700 W Effektforbruk 1150 W maks Innv mål hxwxd 29 x 30 04 x 19 40 Utv mål hxwxd 46 10 x 34 10 x 25 96 På grunn av den kontinuerlige utviklingen av produktene våre med hensyn til funksjon og design forbeholder vi oss retten til å endre produktet uten forvarsel IMPORTØR Adexi Group Det tas forbehold...

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Страница 16: ...ieni aukko koska ne voivat räjähtää Tavalliset lämpömittarit Alumiinifolio tai folioastiat koska mikroaallot eivät läpäise niitä eivätkä kypsennä ruokaa Suljetut rasiat tai astiat joissa on tiiviit kannet koska syntyvä ylipaine voi räjäyttää ne Metallisulkimet tai muut kannet tai kalvot jotka sisältävät metallilankoja Poista metallia sisältävät osat koska ne voivat aiheuttaa kipinöitä Metallikulho...

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Страница 18: ...pairs the guarantee will become void Contact your retailer if the repairs fall under the terms of the warranty Fire hazard To reduce the risk of fire occurring in the oven space please note the following points Do not cook food for too long or at too high a temperature and do not leave the microwave oven unattended if paper plastic or other flammable materials have been used in the oven with a vie...

Страница 19: fish and vegetables you only need to use the minimum of water Microwave power The choice of power setting depends on the condition of the food to be cooked In most cases the food is cooked on full power Full power is used among other things for reheating food quickly boiling water or similar Low power is principally used to defrost food and prepare dishes containing cheese milk and egg Whole e...

Страница 20: ...b and similar can be packed in wet greaseproof paper Roasting bags are ideal for meat fish and vegetables However they must never be closed using metal clips Cotton thread should be used instead Prick the bag with small holes and place it in the microwave oven on a plate or glass dish Important When you prepare food in the microwave oven you should not use the following implements Sealed glass bot...

Страница 21: ...nt to the retailer from whom you purchased it if you are purchasing new equipment Contact your retailer distributor or the municipal authorities for further information on what you should do with electrical and electronic waste GUARANTEE TERMS The guarantee does not apply if the above instructions are not followed if the appliance has been interfered with if the appliance has been mishandled subje...

Страница 22: ...der Fett im Gerät Beaufsichtigen Sie Kinder die sich in der Nähe des laufenden Gerätes aufhalten Versuchen Sie niemals das Mikrowellengerät selbst zu reparieren Falls das Mikrowellengerät das Kabel oder der Stecker repariert werden müssen muss dies in einem autorisierten Servicecenter erfolgen Bei Reparatur durch eine nicht autorisierte Person erlischt die Garantie Wenn die Reparatur unter die Gar...

Страница 23: ...ängere Zubereitungszeit als Eintöpfe Ein Steak erfordert längere Zeit als ein Gericht mit Hackfleisch Je kälter die Lebensmittel sind je länger ist die Zubereitungszeit Lebensmittel mit Zimmertemperatur können schneller zubereitet werden als Lebensmittel aus dem Kühlschrank oder dem Gefrierschrank Bei der Zubereitung von Gemüse hängt die Kochzeit von der Frische des Gemüses ab Kontrollieren Sie de...

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Страница 30: ...прещается ремонтировать микроволновую печь самостоятельно При возникновении необходимости в ремонте микроволновой печи кабеля питания или вилки ее необходимо доставить в уполномоченный сервисный центр Если ремонт был проведен не имеющим авторизации специалистом то гарантия на микроволновую печь теряет силу Сообщите продавцу о возникновении гарантийного случая Опасность пожара Для снижения риска во...

Страница 31: ...щим основным правилам Время приготовления Меньшие количества пищи готовятся быстрее чем большие При удваивании количества пищи время ее приготовления тоже необходимо увеличить почти в два раза соответственно Небольшие кусочки мяса маленькие рыбы и порезанные овощи готовятся быстрее чем большие куски По этой же причине при приготовлении например гуляша тушеного мяса или чего то подобного рекомендуе...

Страница 32: ... применять для многих нагревательных целей кроме жарки Обратите внимание Нельзя использовать пластмассовые контейнеры изготовленные из меламина полиэтилена и фенола Фарфор В микроволновых печах допускается использовать любые виды фарфора хотя желательно применение его жаропрочных сортов Термостойкая посуда с крышками Стеклянная посуда с плотно прилегающими крышками не пропускающими пар идеальна дл...

Страница 33: ...подождите 10 секунд и воткните ее обратно Проверьте не перегорел ли предохранитель или не сработало ли устройство защитного отключения тока Если и это не является причиной проверьте работу самой розетки путем подключения к ней другого устройства Проверьте что дверца закрывается правильно Если причина не в этом автоматическая система безопасности посредством блокирующих штырей гарантирует что печь ...
