background image


•  Remove the 4 screws on the cover 

(11) with a screwdriver and lift the 
cover off.

•  First lift the brush spindle out of the 

socket at the end without the drive 

•  Then lift the other end of the brush 

spindle out carefully and remove 
the brush’s cog wheel out of the 
drive belt.

•  Clean the brushes on the brush 

head and clean the space under the 

•  Insert the brush’s cog wheel into 

the drive belt and replace the brush 
spindle in the sockets.

•  Close cap.


Please note that this Adexi product is 
marked with this symbol: 

This means that this product must not 
be disposed of along with ordinary 
household waste, as electrical and 
electronic waste must be disposed of 

In accordance with the WEEE 
directive, every member state must 
ensure correct collection, recovery, 
handling and recycling of electrical and 
electronic waste. Private households 
in the EU can take used equipment 
to special recycling stations free 
of charge. In some member states 
you can in certain cases return used 
equipment to the retailer from whom 
you purchased it, if you are purchasing 
new equipment. Contact your retailer, 
distributor or the municipal authorities 
for further information on what to do 
with electrical and electronic waste.


The warranty does not apply:
-  if the above instructions have not 

been followed

-  if the appliance has been interfered 


-  if the appliance has been 

mishandled, subjected to rough 
treatment, or has suffered any other 
form of damage

-  if the appliance is faulty due to 

faults in the electricity supply.

Due to the constant development of 
our products in terms of function and 
design, we reserve the right to make 
changes to the product without prior 
The battery is a consumable item and 
is not covered by the warranty.


If you have any questions regarding the 
use of the appliance and cannot find 
the answer in this user guide, please try 
our website at
Go to the “Consumer Services” 
menu and click on “Frequently Asked 
Questions” to view the most frequently 
asked questions.
You can also see contact details on 
our website if you need to contact 
us for technical questions, repairs, 
accessories or spare parts.


Adexi Group

We cannot be held responsible for any 
printing errors

Содержание 16440005

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Страница 12: eller kommersiell bruk Fjern all innvendig og utvendig emballasje Kontroller at roboten ikke har synlige skader eller manglende deler Ikke bruk roboten med andre ledninger enn den som f lger med Ko...

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Страница 14: ...r der eller lignende er tvunnet rundt den Kontroller at st vbeholderen 2 og st vfilteret til denne er tomme og riktig montert p roboten Sjekk at kantsensorene 9 ikke er skitne eller tildekket Sjekk at...

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Страница 21: ...lyst saat l himm lt j lleenmyyj lt tukkukauppiaalta tai paikallisilta viranomaisilta TAKUUEHDOT Takuu ei ole voimassa jos edell olevia ohjeita ei ole noudatettu laitteeseen on tehty muutoksia laitetta...

Страница 22: the inside and outside of the appliance Check that the appliance has no visible damage and that no parts are missing Do not use with other cords than that supplied Check that it is not possible to...

Страница 23: ...iance Avoid lifting and carrying the appliance by the bumper sensor Use the carrying handle on the top of the appliance Important Always remain present during cleaning so that you can deal with any pr...

Страница 24: ...mable item and is not covered by the warranty Assembly before use Check that the rotating brush 12 is clean and that there is no hair pile etc wound around it Make sure that the dust container 2 and i...

Страница 25: ...appliance Wipe the edge sensors with a well wrung cloth Once the dust container filter holder filter cover over the brush and the brush HAVE BEEN REMOVED you can wash them in warm water with a little...

Страница 26: ...e retailer from whom you purchased it if you are purchasing new equipment Contact your retailer distributor or the municipal authorities for further information on what to do with electrical and elect...

Страница 27: ...nsachgem en Gebrauch oder unsachgem e Handhabung verursacht werden siehe Garantiebedingungen Nur f r den Gebrauch im Haushalt Dieses Ger t eignet sich nicht f r den gewerblichen Gebrauch oder den Gebr...

Страница 28: ...wie z B Gips Ziegelstaub und dergleichen Sorgen Sie daf r dass Bekleidung Haare und K rperteile nicht in die N he der D se oder beweglicher Teile des Ger ts kommen Keine Gegenst nde in die ffnungen de...

Страница 29: ...Anzeigeleuchte an der Ladebuchse erlischt und die Anzeigeleuchte am Ladeteil gr n ist ist das Ger t vollst ndig aufgeladen Hinweis Die eingebaute wiederaufladbare Batterie des Ger ts befindet sich im...

Страница 30: ...ckiert der Staubfilter verstopft oder schmutzig oder der Staubbeh lter voll ist Entfernen Sie die Verstopfung reinigen Sie die Filter oder entleeren Sie den Staubbeh lter Reinigen des Ger ts Tauchen S...

Страница 31: B rste vom Zahnriemen Reinigen Sie die B rsten am B rstenkopf und den Bereich unter den B rsten Bringen Sie das Zahnrad der B rste im Zahnriemen an und setzen Sie die B rstenspindel wieder in die M...

Страница 32: ...atterie ist ein Verschlei artikel und nicht von der Garantie umfasst H UFIG GESTELLTE FRAGEN Falls Sie Fragen zum Gebrauch dieses Ger tes haben und die Antworten nicht in dieser Gebrauchsanweisung fin...
